Per date 22nd April 2024: The Camporee is over and it was a big succes. Not only did we manage to get some winners from the Messenger of Peace Challenge at the microphone, we also had an emotional impressive closing ceremony at the main Cemetary. Another impressive Camporee, thanks mainly to the 1400+ participants and our DDAY Museum host at Omaha Beach. Thank you all. See you in 2027 at the Camporee 2027.
Per date 14th April 2024: De laatste zaken pakken we dit weekend in, want we reizen binnen drie dagen naar het Zuid-Westen. Met LORA en APRS zijn we te volgen op de juiste sites. En ons Special Event Station in Normandie is ook al op de kaart te vinden: locatie. Met de gegevens die hieronder staan hopen we veel zendamateurs en NAVO stations te werken, die in hetzelfde weekend actief zullen zijn vanuit bunker en vestingen in Nederland. En uiteraard zullen we met de WARD-stations (World Amateur Radio Day) in de wereld QSO's gaan maken. Op naar een onvergeetelijke ervaring met de Boy Scouts of America en de Franse Scouting. |
Per date 20th March 2024: We zijn er helemaal klaar voor. We reizen eerst naar Amiens voor een korte overnachting, voordat we doorreizen naar onze overnachting in Formigny La Bataille. Intussen houden we de weerradar van Normadie in de gaten, via Windy.Com en de benzineprijzen via een interactieve Frankrijk kaart. En deze link verwijst naar een interactieve kaart van Nederland. Voor de Belgische variant is hier te klikken. Verder hebben we een Frequentieplan uitgewerkt en zijn de puntjes op de ï gezet in nauwe samenwerking met de Omaha Beach Museum eigenaar. |
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De volgende planning van voice-communicatie naar buiten de Camporee is voorzien:
Radio waves (+- QRM) 1.882 MHz LSB 3.782 MHz LSB 7.182 MHz LSB 14.182 MHz USB 21.182 MHz USB 28.482 MHz USB Onderling QSO: VHF 144.7625 MHz FM
DMR TalkGroup 907 - JOTA
Echolink Conference Bridge JOTA-365 or direct PA3EFR, node number 100281
WIRES-X Radio Scouting
Per date 20th February 2024: It is foreseen to be on the air with several modes. These include DMR, Echolink and WIRES-X. We will announce the rooms, channels, callsigns, etc through our page on and on this page. Apart from these internet-depending modes, we will announce ourselves on clusters such as DXWATCH, DXSUMMIT and DXHEAT. We are sure that this will increase the possibility to find us in time. Finally, if you are not a licensed operator but certainly would like to listen to our communications, then we would like you to use Web Software Defined radio such as KIWISDR or WEBSDR, in combination with the cluster info, mentioned in the paragraph before. It might be an idea to test and familiarize yourself with these options before the Camporee does happen. |
Per date 10th January 2024: Our first official meeting with the Staff of the Camporee has been taking place. We now know whom to contact for which issue and the organization now knows that we exist as well. The plan is to setup a large tent in the backyard of the Omaha Beach Museum and the owner is in favor of all plans that we offer him. A better host can not be found. In the mean time all kind of preparations are going on: HF propagation predictions, HAMClock installations, WIES-X router tunnels, frequency plans, additional radio games, beamer maps, etc. We will keep you posted on any progress. |
Per date 19th November 2023: The TM80OMAH station assignment has been received from the French Telecommunication Office. Therefor we plan ahead with TM-80-OMAH on different levels. Social media starts to kick-in, including updates on the page. For planning purposes we also prepared a small Sketchup design It is plotted on the museum grounds of the Omaha Beach Museum, which will be our host for the radio station. We placed the video on Youtube in order to function as a discussion item for a plethora of fora. To top off the cake: the participation fee to this Camporee has been paid for the 8 headed crew of the station, including 3 youngsters who will help out during this event. |
Per date 29th June 2023: The request for a special event callsign has been drafted and is ready to be sent to the French Telecommunications Authority (ANFR). In the mean time we assume that the callsign TM-80-OMAH will be granted and we can use this call throughout the event on the Omaha Beaches from the Omaha Beach Museum. For that reason we also designed a QSL-card as part of the standard procedure when completing a radio contact on the amateur radio bands. For more information on, targetted on radio operations, click on the images which brings you to the page of the callsign. |
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Per date 18th Feb 2023:
From 19 to 21 April 2024 it is foreseen that a number of crew members of the Plusscouts PA3EFR/J and other Radio Scouters will be traveling to Normandie (Omaha Beach) to support the international activities of the Boy Scouts of America Normandie Camporee 2024.
Additional information on the crew, as well as on the Camporee as it was held in 2022 can be found on (mainly in Dutch, but we assume that this is no issue nowadays with on-the-fly translators).
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The goal of this Special Event station is to provide a wireless means of communication to the participants of the Camporee, in order to facilitate the global distribution of Messenger of Peace transmissions throughout the world. In each QSO youngsters or their Scout Leaders will be sharing their Message of Peace. The good news is that we again will be hosted by the D-Day Museum at Omaha Beach. A double-decker bus will be part of our radio station and as is a tent for the associated radio scouting activities. |
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A word from the Camp Chief Dick Meijaard on the history of this even (text shortened for this website):
In the past 27 years the Transatlantic Council (TAC) organized 9 Normandy Camporees. In 2022 we will hold the 10th edition of this fantastic event. No camporee has been a copy of a previous one so far, and we expect the Camporee in 2022 to be different as well.
First of all we will miss the guidance of the most experienced Normandy organizer mister Vince Cozonne, our former Scout Executive. He came up with the idea in 1994 and was leading the way in all 9 camporees. Now enjoying his retirement, he left large footprints for us to fill.
So that is one reason our camporee will be different, but there are many others. Covid uncertainty is another reason why this time, preperations are, and execution possibly will be different.
To be able to hande all aspects, of this complex organizational task, we recognized 13 different areas we need to address. So 13 committes were formed, each with a committee chair and volunteers assigned to the committee for support. With a total of 150 volunteers we work together to give our guests the best experience possible.
The radio team TM80OMAH (referring to the special event callsign that will be applied) will consist of Erwin, PA3EFR, Evelyn, PD1EHO, Sander, PD9HIX, MIchel PE1MR and Lynette PD4LYN, accompanied by scouts Thalia, Lianne and Angelique. As backup for Sander, it is Patrick PE2PVD, who offered his support.
This event is valid for 1 point in the Dutch Radio Scouting Award scheme, which is explained on this page (or click on the image).