This site is dedicated to Bunkers On The Air in The Netherlands .

For general information email the Dutch PABOTA Team.

We will be fully operational mid June of 2025.





Patrick, PE2PVD, and Erwin, PA3EFR, are the first coordinators of PA-BOTA for the global WWBOTA organisation. We do not copy already existing content to this page, but we want to provide a centralised overview of links to different BOTA-related sites, primarily focussed on Dutch sites.

"A bunker is a military defense structure that provided protection from shelling and bombing. It is a covered, self-contained small defensive structure, usually built of reinforced concrete and sometimes equipped with a shelter. Bunkers usually have a specific function, such as artillery emplacement, command post or shelter. The term “bunker” comes from English and was first used in the Netherlands during World War II. Before that, the term 'group protected area' or 'kazemat' was used.” - quote.

The terms Pillbox and Bunker are quite often used interchangeably. Here is the overview of the main differences:

Characteristic Pillbox Bunker
Purpose Small defensive post for shooting. Wide protection against heavy attack.
Size Small, compact. Variable; can be large and complex.
Structure Simple, above ground or partially buried. Robust, often underground or heavily buried.
Facilities Minimal (for combat only). Can include living quarters, command posts and storage.
Historical use  Many used in WWI/WWII by infantry. Used in modern warfare.



Our thanks go to  Hans, ON3MOH, for his advise, bunker data and enthousiasm.

Voor de Nederlandse operators hebben we een FAQ opsteld. Volg deze link naar deze uitgebreide FAQ.


Click on the image to get to the award information.


Rules & Guidelines

Activator rules
  • All registered war bunkers and shelters are eligible for activation.
  • Activations must be portable or mobile, within a maximum radius of 300 m of the bunker.
  • For valid HF PA-Bunker activations, contact at least 25 stations. You may continue across days or weeks if needed.
  • For valid VHF/UHF/SHF PA-Bunker activations, contact at least 10 stations.
  • Activators may submit a maximum of 5 bunkers per activation.
  • Activators may perform as many activations as desired.
  • Activators can use all legal frequencies and modes, except via repeaters or the internet, which are not permitted.

To request activator awards, email PA-BOTA Team


  • We recommend using the HAM2K POLO App. In the app, under "Bunkers on the Air," select up to 5 bunkers for each activation.
  • You may also use your preferred logging program, as long as it allows you to send the ADIF file.

To request hunter awards, email PA-BOTA Team.



(link to WWBOTA - login required)


World wide organization for Bunkers On The Air

Bunkerdag, gericht op Nederlandse bunkers

Indicatieve Kaart Militair Erfgoed (IKME)
Stichting Bunkersite




Bunker info Nederland

Forten, waterlinies, vestingen, bunkers










A member of our AI Promotion Team activates a local bunker in the dunes of The Hague.

Flag Counter




We created a document with information about bunkers that activators did visit. It is a growing document, so feel free to send pictures and info to de This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This site is supported by the Dutch Radio Scouting Fellowship "Plusscouts PA3EFR/J".